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In a car accident, the person who is responsible for causing the accident will need to pay for property damage, medical bills and lost wages. But what happens when that person flees the scene of the accident? When a driver hits and runs, the victim of the accident does not know his or her identity and therefore will not be able to make an insurance claim or file a lawsuit, potentially losing out on compensation. If you’re a victim of a hit and run accident, contact an experienced automobile accident attorney in Sacramento immediately who can help you!
In California, it is illegal to leave the scene of the accident before giving their information to the police and/or victim. California Vehicle Code 20001 (a) states: “The driver of a vehicle involved in an accident resulting in injury to a person, other than himself or herself, or in the death of a person shall immediately stop the vehicle at the scene of the accident.” Also, under Vehicle Code 20003, drivers involved in an injury accident must give the information to the police office including name, current address and registration number of the vehicle. Motorists are required to do what they can to provide assistance to injured victims. If you’ve been in a hit-and-run accident, you could have suffered more serious injuries than regular vehicle accidents because you did not get the attention you needed right away. Contact an attorney at The Choyce Law Firm immediately to get the compensation you deserve.
If you’ve been in a hit and run accident, there are certain things you need to do immediately. Although it might be difficult if you’ve been injured, try to write down all the details you remember about the accident such as:
Hand as much information as you can to the police and your lawyer. Hit and run accidents are trickier than normal accidents. It requires professional legal representation.
According to the California Highway Patrol’s Statewide Integrated Traffic Records, there were 141 fatal and 14,735 injury hit-and-run crashes statewide in 2010. It resulted in 147 deaths and 19,009 people injured. Of these, 7 of the fatalities were in head-on collisions, 4 were sideswiped, 9 were rear ended, 21 were killed in broadside accidents, 11 were struck by an object, four were killed in rollover accidents and 83 victims were pedestrians. If you or a loved one has been hurt or died in a hit-and-run accident, contact an attorney to get the compensation you deserve.
If the driver who caused the accident can be found, an injured victim can attempt to make a claim against the hit and run driver’s liability insurance company or make the claim directly against the driver if there is no insurance. However, if the driver or vehicle cannot be located or the driver was uninsured, the injured victim needs to seek compensation for his or her uninsured motorist coverage, assuming it was purchased by the injured victim before the accident occurred. For the best help, contact a automobile accident attorney in Sacramento to see what you can do.
If you have been in a hit & run accident it is important that you get yourself medically evaluated immediately. No accident is minor enough to skip getting yourself checked out. Whiplash and other neck and back injuries can go unnoticed immediately following an accident and still cause long term pain and damage. automobile accident attorney in Sacramento at this law firm have been representing injury victims for years and have the experience necessary to properly handle your case. Call us at (916) 306-0636 for free re-end auto accident case consultation today!
If you have been injured in a truck, motorcycle, plane or car accident, or charged with a DUI or other criminal or traffic offense, call the lawyers at The Choyce Law Firm right now! Our experienced personal injury lawyer is available to give you the answers you need to know immediately and can fight for justice and compensation with integrity and relentless enthusiasm.
It’s important to understand that there are many legal deadlines if you are injured or charged with a DUI. We are a local law firm with offices in Fairfield, CA & Sacramento, CA. We limit our practice to four areas of expertise: criminal defense, DUI defense, traffic ticket defense and personal injury. Don’t hesitate, to call our office at (916) 306-0636 for your free consultation!