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Recording devices mounted to the dashboard of cars have become quite popular in recent years. Private individuals often upload clips from the recordings made by their “dashcams,” entertaining many a Youtube user. Not only are these videos entertaining, they can be very useful in the case of a car collision to determine exactly what happened – and who’s at fault. The presence of the cameras also seem to have an effect on the behavior of the driver. The state of California has seen a sharp decrease in the rate of car accidents in vehicles installed with a recording device – down by 80%. Many companies with fleets of vehicles have used these recording devices to improve driver performance and definitively determine fault in the case of a collision or other damage. This can save companies a lot of money and headaches. If you have been in an accident involving a big rig, “dashcams” can be used to prove liability in your case. Speak with a big rig accident lawyer in Sacramento for more information.
Commercial trucking is a very dangerous job. The vehicles are cumbersome and difficult to maneuver and cargo can be precious and delicate or even pose a danger to the driver and others on the road. Running a commercial trucking business requires keeping track of many regulations, interpreting and troubleshooting tracking technology, complying with insurance and many other complicated tasks. Because of the stress in driving large trucks and the long hours, the commercial trucking industry sees high turnover rates and a lot of legal battles involving insurance claims. SmartDrive aims to change the transportation industry with their scientific approach to data analysis using video and audio recordings. SmartDrive is a technology company established in 2005 aimed to provide video analytics to increase the safety of commercial and public transit drivers. Having a video and audio recording device installed on the dashboard of a vehicle can allow for review of driver performance and clarity in the case of a collision. The website claims to increase safety by an average of 60%, while saving companies an average of nearly $5,000 per vehicle. A big rig accident lawyer in Sacramento can use information from SmartDrive to help your car accident case.
One service SmartDrive offers is a driver safety program. They claim that they can educate drivers to eliminate risky behavior and thereby reduce the chance of collision. By video recording drivers and their behavior behind the wheel, managers are able to understand drivers’ difficulties and teach them based on each driver’s specific needs.
SmartDrive offers single road-facing camera or multi-view camera options that can capture a range of data from u-turns, aggressive speeding, to drowsy or agitated drivers. There are also privacy settings so a camera isn’t necessarily recording every moment of a driver’s time. There are multiple options for viewing the outside of the vehicle, which can be useful for sideswiping incidents. Unlike other technology on the market, SmartDrive provides access to video recordings within minutes of an incident so there isn’t much waiting to determine what happened. The video and expert analysis can be viewed online or on a mobile phone which increases the flexibility for coaches and drivers, especially since commercial truckers spend most of their time on the road.
In an effort to save trucking companies money on fuel, SmartDrive offers SmartFuel analysis. Using video and audio recordings of driver performance as well as vehicle data such as fuel reports, SmartDrive is able to advise companies and their drivers on how certain changes can help them use fuel more economically. SmartDrive uses a triggering system that records data when sensors pick up on sudden or unusual maneuvers or vehicle system data. The “event video” is then scored so companies can quickly understand specific drivers’ performance. SmartDrive also focuses on strategic coaching by presenting the correct information at the correct time for most effective driver education.
Our team at The Choyce Law Firm has years of experience handling truck collisions. With the growing assortment of technology available, we have the experience and resources to leverage technology to prove fault in vehicle collisions. We’ll do all the heavy lifting to bring your case to justice so you don’t have to. Speak with a big rig accident lawyer in Sacramento for a free consultation.
Whether you or a loved one suffered one single bite, or a more devastating attack, you deserve an attorney who cares about your situation and is here to help make sure you are fully compensated for your injury. Our American system of law is set up only one way- to repay you for your loss with money. The insurance companies have one job – to pay you as little as possible and keep expenses as low as possible for their company. You must level the playing field by having an attorney on your side, who will fight to make sure justice is done.
Give us a call at (916) 306-0636 to speak to a personal injury attorney in Sacramento who can handle your case and take the burden off your hands.