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Our growing population, naturally, demands more goods and products shipped throughout the continental United States. This increase in the number of goods delivered across the states also means an increase in the number of semi trucks and big rig trucks on the road. Truck accidents can prove to be a big problem: both literally and abstractly. Trucks are massive, and the effects of accidents are bound to be physically and emotionally taxing. Between damages and injuries, it’s important to know how to navigate the nuances of these accidents. Always speak with an experienced accident attorney who can help you with your case.
The trucking industry is subject to adhere to regulations set forth by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). These are meant to keep truck drivers and other motorists safe on the road. Companies and truck drivers do however, break these rules in order to maximize profits. Speeding and reckless driving can take all types of forms.
These rules are mandated and any truck driver or truck company that violates it, puts not only themselves at risk, but everyone else on the road as well. This type of reckless driving can cause serious injuries and property damage. Consult with an truck accident attorney who has experience fighting against big truck companies.
Among these, speeding and reckless driving are the most common. In a collision with a regular automobile, sheer size can subject drivers to devastating injuries: brain injuries, soft tissue damage, spinal damage, and even death. The costs of such injuries, both monetarily and physically, is astronomical.
If you’ve been involved in a case of reckless driving by a truck that caused injury or wrongful death to you or a loved one, you may be entitled to compensation. The best thing you can do is to contact an experienced Sacramento truck accident attorney to fight your case. Negligent behavior by truck drivers is punishable by law and drivers are subject to stiff points levied by the DMV for even minor speeding violations. The faster a truck is going, the more points the driver will receive. The faster a truck is going, the more devastating the consequences if accidents happen.
If you have been injured in a truck, motorcycle, plane or car accident, or charged with a DUI or other criminal or traffic offense, call the lawyers at The Choyce Law Firm right now! Our experienced personal injury lawyer is available to give you the answers you need to know immediately and can fight for justice and compensation with integrity and relentless enthusiasm.
It’s important to understand that there are many legal deadlines if you are injured or charged with a DUI. We are a local law firm with offices in Fairfield, CA & Sacramento, CA. We limit our practice to four areas of expertise: criminal defense, DUI defense, traffic ticket defense and personal injury. Don’t hesitate, to call our office at (916) 306-0636 for your free consultation!